Month: June 2021

Litigation Finance and State Bars — What Should Counsel Know? (Part II)

Marla Decker

In our last post, we examined how state law has addressed litigation finance, reviewing key cases in four states. We discussed the ongoing national trend towards removing perceived obstacles and clarifying that properly structured funding arrangements do not violate state law. Naturally, counsel exploring litigation finance options should be mindful of case law in their…

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Litigation Finance and State Law — What Should Counsel Know?

Marla Decker

At Lake Whillans, we frequently field questions about the legal issues surrounding litigation finance.  One question that frequently comes up is whether legal doctrines such as champerty and maintenance impede litigation finance arrangements.  For the most part, the doctrines of champerty and maintenance do not impede litigation finance arrangements.  But the answer will depend significantly…

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The best way for companies and their counsel to determine if litigation finance is an attractive option is to discuss it with us.